- Has no concept of precision. 并没有精度的概念。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。
- A small baby has no concept of right and wrong. 小孩不懂什么是正确和错误。
- It has no concept of boxes that things fit into. 它没有事物装进盒子的观念。
- You have no conception of what it was like to be there. 你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。
- You have no conception of how difficult my job is. 你想不出我的工作有多困难。
- I have no conception of what he means. 我对他的意思完全不懂。
- But even yet she had no conception of the truth. 可是就连如此,她也还没有理解到实情。
- They want to extend an ideological caliphate that has no concept of liberty inherent in their beliefs. 他们企图扩大意识形态中的王权。在他们的信仰中没有与生俱来的自由理念。"
- When Marianne awoke she had no concept of where she was. 玛丽安醒来时,她对自己身在何处一点儿概念也没有。
- And when the dream comes again, he has no awareness of truth, and no concept of denial. 当那些梦再次涌现时,他已经分不清真假,也不知道何为否认了。
- He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed. 他不懂得失业后生活会是怎样的艰难。
- Communication diagrams have no concept of the asynchronous message since its focus is not on message ordering. 交互图并不关心异步信息传递,在交互图中没有异步的概念。
- If the script has no concept of upper/lower cases (which is almost the case for non-Latin scripts), rare characters may be put in the shift positions. 如果文字没有大小写的概念(对于非拉丁文字基本都如此),少见的字符可以放在上档键位上。
- Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind. 许多大学生花钱如流水的,并在他们心中没有节约的概念。
- Yes, dialectic is the basis for philosophy construction;it has firm mightiness, seems that no body can shake it and even has no concept of shaking it. 是的,辩证法还是构造“哲学”的基础,具有坚如磐石般的强大,好象是谁也无法撼动的,甚至是摇动它的概念都不应该有。
- He seems to have absolutely no concept of time. 他看起来根本没有时间观念。
- The method, type, or assembly has no concept of a CER and is most likely not safe to call within a CER without substantial mitigation from state corruption. 该方法、类型或程序集没有CER的概念,如果不从状态损坏进行迁移,则在CER内进行调用很可能是不安全的。
- She had no conception of the crime with which she was charged. 她完全不知道人家指控她的那个“罪名”。
- I have no conception what it is like. 我完全不知道它是什麽样子。